Dear Marius,
I hereby come to you, and MIDADE, to expose the dramatic situation in which this war in Lebanon inflicts us via the following points:
Catastrophic humanitarian situation with more than a million displaced people from the bombed departments
The basic necessities that are largely lacking despite the generosity of Lebanese citizens towards each other.
The lack of logistics and equipment (mattresses; blankets; etc.)
The psychological suffering caused by the permanent anxiety of air strikes; the stress and fear that reigns.
The lack of health resources that is beginning to be felt.
I thank you for all the prayers and support that you can give us.
May God bless you.
And the response from the International office:
Hello Anwar,
Dear friend coordinator of MIDADE of the Middle East, and Lebanese citizen.
We were dismayed by your account of the situation that your country is experiencing, dragged in spite of itself into this Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
We stand up with the greatest firmness against these bombings against your country Lebanon, causing thousands of victims including children, women and men.
Like Pope Francis, we hope that a path to peace will be found that will allow a return to a normal life for children and adults.
May your voices resonate in the highest authorities of this world that campaign for peace.
So that the weapons, the attacks and all the conflicts that disfigure this world of love desired by God may be silenced.
We stand in solidarity with your people, your country, your region and all the regions of the world where human life is priceless and weighs less than the partisan and selfish interests of some.
May the God of love accompany you and work on the hearts of the wicked so that they find ways of appeasement for the good of all.